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Kapitel 9 – Michael Jackson – Sein persönlicher Thriller

1. Michael Jackson:

Martin: „How often would he beat you?”
Michael: „Too much.”
Martin: „What else would he he use to hit you with?”

Michael (crying): „ [Why you do this to me]?”
„He, he used to beat me up”

Martin: „When he was beating you, did you hate him?”

Michael: „Yeah, strong hate. That's why to this day I don’t lay a finger on my children. I don't want them ever to feel that [way about me], ever. He didn’t allow us to call him Daddy. I wanted to call him ,Daddy’ so bad. He said „I’m not Daddy, I’m Joseph to you.”
„He marred me well”

3. Michael Jackson:

Martin: „Did your father and your brothers tease you about your appearance as an adolescent?”
Michael: „My father did, and some cousins did.”
Martin: „What did your father say?”

Michael: „Oh God, yeah, is pretty embarrassing. He used to to tease me [real bad about it].”
„In a bad way”

4. Michael Jackson:

Martin: „What sort of things did he say?”

Michael: „He would tease me and say about, how I looked. And he would say ‘you didn’t get it from my side of the family. Must have been on Kate, you know, Kate’, he [would always say, meaning my mother].”
„Hello Mommy, hear Soul”

5. Michael Jackson:

Martin: „You‘ve had a tough week this week haven’t you, cause the media has been accusing you of being irresponsible with your children.”

Michael: „The Media is wrong. I love my children; I was holding my son tight and strong. Why would I throw a baby over the balcony? That is the [dumbest stupidest story I've ever heard]. I love my children and they know I love them. They were chanting they want to see the baby, so I showed them the baby. I’m not gonna let him fall!”
„Earl announced it. Beats the mud”

6. Martin Bashir:

„In the time I've known Michael Jackson, we touched on most aspects of his life safe for one - his relationship with children, for me perhaps the most [disturbing as]pect of his life story.”
„Hang a bird”

7. Gavin:

Martin: „What is it, Gavin, about Michael, that makes him connect so well with children, what is it?”

Gavin: „... cause he's really a child at home. He, he acts just like a child, he he knows how a how a child is. He he knows how, the [way a way a child thinks].”
„Sing it, wash the whirl”

8. Michael Jackson:

Martin: „When people hear that children from other families have come and they stayed in your house, they’ve stayed in your bedroom…”
Michael: „Very few.”
Martin: „You know, some have, and they say ‘is that really appropriate for a man, a grown man, to be doing that’. How do you respond to that?”

Michael: „I feel sorry for them, cause they are judging [someone who wants to really help] people. Why can't you just share your bed? It the most loving thing to do, is to share your bed with someone.”
„Why heal the times? Enormous”

9. Martin Bashir:

„Early in the new year, Jackson agreed to what would be our final meeting, this time in Miami, Florida. There were unanswered questions, lots of them, areas about his life which, I felt, he had been less than honest; his face, his denials about plastic surgery, his relationship with Blanket's mother and, of course, I also wanted to return to the Neverland’s sleep-overs. Confronting him wouldn’t be easy, but now it had to happen. [As we prepared] for the interview, the atmossphere was unusually tense.”
„Abuse it”

10. Michael Jackson:

Martin: „But is that right Michael?”

Michael: „Is very right. Is very loving. That's what the world needs now. More love, more ... more [more heart].”
„Our hope”

11. Michael Jackson:

Martin: Isn’t that precisely the problem, when you actually invite children into your bed, you never know what’s gonna happen?”

Michael: „[When you say 'bed'], you make that sexual, they make that sexual, is not sexual. We’re going to sleep, I tuck them in, put on a little music until story time, read a book, make hot milk, we have cookies, you know, it’s very charming, its sweet. It’s what the whole world should do.”
„They missing you”

12. Michael Jackson:

„I'm just very sensitive to their pain, and I'm very sensitive to the family, to the human condition you know, on that subject. It' means a lot to me and I wanna help do what ever I can to help that. I have said it before and I've said it a million times, I 'm not afraid to say it: If there was no children on this Earth, if someone announced all kids were dead, [I would jump off] the balcony immediately. I'm done. I'm done.”
„Publish – Noah”

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